it has been more than a month since skate camp. i have not taken many photos in these months. so i will just write about them. summer 2010 was one of the best summers in my life. minus about 11 days of it. i have made tons of new friends, gone camping a handful of times. explored hollow mountain. Hung out under the summer sun. been to many rock concerts, but summer is over now. classes started last week at Salt Lake Community College. Me and Kelly are signing Don's contract for a house on wednesday. City life should be good. fall is about here and i can feel the air getting colder. I am dreading the winter months somewhat, and for this reason one of my favorite people is leaving town. its hard to cope with but it really does get damn cold here. Hopefully snowboarding will hold off cabin fever, and keep my mind busy until next spring.
ps. i have a photo class, so i will be taking a lot of pictures.
to my good friends i have met this summer. i will never forget you.